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You need entertainment. I need to feed my coffee addiction that fuels the writing that entertains, challenges, provokes, or educates you.

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Algorithms are fickle. Now you can be alerted when I got bored, angst-y, angry, or wanted to write a sermon. Post frequency will be about as often as my kid’s say “mom!”

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I don’t declare myself to be of note by any means. I have not done anything (yet) to garner such an idea that I am important enough to have fans. However, I do know that I have people who are interested in hearing from me more in a more formal and scheduled manner than social media.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to The Potato Papers

Musing will be chosen at random by my neurodivergent mind. Will it be a political rant? A story about my kids? Maybe. Thoughts on foster care, adoption, and life as a therapist? The first chapter of a book I will never get to finishing? We'll see.


I am a newly minted 40 yr-old middle aged mom to four children, three dogs, two cats, and one husband. I started out in customer service and ended up in social work. Same job, different problems. But I really just want to write.